The Griswolds could learn a few things from us!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The LORD will provide.

Nothing new to report as far as the adoption. There have not been any babies born in the last month, but several are expected very soon.

I just wanted to give the LORD credit for His working in our adoption. One of the biggest steps of faith that this journey demands is the financial step of faith. Our next financial requirement will be the BIG one and we continue to fight our fear by constantly reminding each other that the LORD provides when we follow His direction.

We are using a home equity loan to finance the adoption, and we are so very thankful to have this resource. But it is almost overwhelming when we think of the indebtedness this will bring.

Well, just this past month, the LORD provided a large fencing project for Dennis & also provided the staff to accomplish the work! It is MORE than a coincidence that this timing coincides with the coming adoption fee. It is in no way large enough to cover it all, but GOD IS PROVIDING!! It amazes me how He blesses us and I wish I would STOP being so shocked when He provides. That is the way GOD does things....we step out on the point that it is uncomfortable...and then He provides.

I just can't help but PRAISE Him for His goodness. This also serves as a confirmation that this adoption is FROM Him and not just a selfish desire to parent another child. I just LOVE watching my Lord work! I'm so blessed to have a small role in it.

Please continue your prayers. I'm also depending on Him to give me strength to chase after a small child (at my age!). This truly IS a spiritual journey!

"If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." I Peter 4:11b

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