This is me, moving "DO NOT ENTER" signs in St. Louis, trying to navigate this East Tennessee red-neck truck/camper around the city. Not sure why everyone was looking and pointing at us! Ha!
The wind mills in Rockport, Missouri
This pic and these next few are from the Lee G Simmons Wildlife Safari in Ashland, Nebraska. We loved this!!
You know in the movies, when the characters roll into the deserted gas station on fumes?? Well, that was the Irwins after this long stretch of don't-see-another-car road. We were so thankful to see this gas station!
Thankful for Kevin who fixed our tire that went flat in Alliance, Nebraska. So thankful that it didn't happen on yesterday's stretch of 150+ miles of farmland!
Saw some beautiful wildlife when our GPS sent us on about 10 miles of gravel road
Home for the next few nights. Off to do much needed laundry!